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REVIEW of Say Anything

This I the first Audrey Harte book I have read and I really enjoyed it so I will be looking for more of her books. When we first meet Erin, she is engaged to her boyfriend of 10 years but she feels like the spark has gone out of her relationship. She met Mike, the finance, on Craiglist and together they grew as people and a couple until they were engaged and living together. But the relationship is not turning out how she planned and she calls it quits after meeting and chatting to Jesse on Facebook. Unfortunately Jesse is not who she thought he was and so she sends him packing.

Next she meets another Mike, again throught Craiglist, while on holidays visiting her family in Hawaii. She persues a long distance thing with him, but it turns out to be totally one sided and so that reltionship ends too.

She decides to audition for a tv talent show with her friend and makes it through to live auditions which is when she meets Traver. She meets him in a bar and he persues her giving her his number. They have dinner a few times and when its time for Erin to return home, it is with the tentative plan they Traver will see her when he goes to LA in a few weeks. We follow Erin as she makes various bad decisions and falls inlove very easily with men who are all but strangers. She is very quick to meet men off the internet and start a relationship with them without really knowing them. I had a few issues with this characters flimsy and trusting nature. Seriously what sane woman agrees to fly a guy who admits to not only being a drug addict but also head of a bikie gang to stay with her? Especially when she has never met him?? But even thought it's not how I would live, it still drew me in and I needed to know what she would do next and how it would all turn out. The book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger but not in a bad way. It just left me wondering if Traver is the 'one' and if they will meet up again. Definitely a must read for lovers of romance gone wrong but don't read if you have issues with drugs or alcohol.

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